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However, they will need to sign out of the Zoom desktop client and sign in again before they will be able to schedule for you there. If scheduling privilege cannot be assigned because the user is not on your account or is not a Pro user, you will receive an error message.

Once completed, see these instructions for how to schedule meetings for other people. You can also put someone as alternative host for your meeting. This allows them to start the meeting on your behalf, but the meeting is still in your account.

This allows the recordings of meetings to remain in your account; however, you are unable to have a separate meeting while these meetings are going on. See the FAQ question “What is an alternative host and why will it not let me add someone? This allows anyone who has the join link to start the meeting. There are definite limitations on this when using Waiting Room or wanting the meeting to be recorded, but is a quick fix if the meeting is about to happen and you cannot join.

Meetings scheduled outside of Canvas can be imported into a Canvas course. Follow the directions below. This allows this meeting to be used repeatedly at any time with the join link and other settings staying the same.

How many people can join my meetings? Instructors are provided an account that allows up to participants. Yes, with Zoom you have the ability to share your audio, webcam, and computer screen.

You can share your screen, pull up your slides full screen, and present like you would in class. Your students are seeing what you see on your screen and hearing you talk over them. How to share your screen. It is best to schedule your Zoom meeting in the Zoom tab in Canvas. If you scheduled a meeting outside of Canvas, you can either share the meeting link in a Canvas announcement module or import that meeting into Zoom tab in Canvas.

Students do not have to be provided the Zoom join link if you schedule your meeting inside of Canvas, but anyone outside of Canvas will need to be provided the join link or invitation to your Zoom meeting so they can join. You do not have to do anything special to allow someone in a meeting to share their screen.

The default settings of Zoom allows any attendee in your meeting to share their screen, webcam, and audio. Note: If the host is sharing their screen, it will not let an attendee share their screen. All you have to do is stop sharing your screen and then they can. Co-host are people you allow to have similar features as you, meaning they can manage participants. Note: You do not have to make someone a co-host to share their screen or present. All attendees have this ability by default.

You can make anyone in your meeting a co-host once the meeting has begun. Yes, the host and attendees can draw, highlight, stamp, and place arrows or a laser on a virtual whiteboard or whatever is shared on the screen such as a PowerPoint.

Yes, there is a polling feature that is turned on by default. It is best to create your polls beforehand. You can create up to 10 sets of 25 polls. Your options are single choice or multiple choice questions. When you present a poll, you can see the results privately and then choose to share the results to all in the meeting. You can also run a report at the end to show what everyone answered.

Learn more about managing attendees. Breakout rooms are a feature that is enabled by default in the toolbar of Zoom. It allows you to break your total attendees into separate Zoom sessions for an amount of time. The groups can be made manually or automatically on the fly. Once you send everyone into a breakout room, the host and co-host can pop in to one breakout room at a time to see how things are going or to assist students. Note: Breakout rooms are not included in the Zoom cloud recording.

Students placed in the breakout room can record the breakout room session locally to their device. Breakout Rooms can be created once in a meeting. You can have Zoom randomly assign students into a desired amount of rooms or you can manually assign which participants are in each room.

Zoom also has the ability to pre-assign breakout rooms before a Zoom meeting begins though this feature only exist outside of Canvas. If you choose to use this feature, please follow the instructions below. When your students join, it will pair them with the emails you pre-assigned. If you see anyone left over not assigned, you can assign them to a room manually. Learn more about breakout rooms. Virtual background is a feature that can replace your background behind you when sharing your webcam with a static image or video.

Not all computers meet the required technical specifications to use this feature. You would simple start this meeting, continue working on your computer, and would hear the doorbell when a student enters so that you can attend to their questions. This will allow everyone from multiple classes to join into the same meeting.

Instructors can also have students email you or book a time with you in some other format Microsoft bookings , excel sheet sign up, Canvas Calendar appointment groups and have one-on-one meetings with students through Zoom. See more information on sharing your screen. When choosing to share your screen there are two checkboxes at the bottom you should consider enabling. If you have already started sharing your screen you can find these option in the 3 dots More button the toolbar.

Private chat means a participant of a Zoom meeting can chat privately with another participant without the host knowing. Right now Hosts are the only ones that can privately chat with a participant. Participants can only chat with everyone in the room or the host. This allows private chat for all future meetings you schedule and host. Attendance in a Zoom meeting is accessible as a Usage Report.

A Zoom Usage Report displays how many and who attended the meeting. Learn more about Pulling Zoom reports. Additionall, instructors can also pull reports from Zoom in Canvas if the meeting was scheduled there.

Is Zoom secure? Can an unwanted user join my meeting? Any user that has the join link to your Meeting can join in. Avoid publicly posting your meeting link, especially your personal meeting room link.

Other security measures are shown below. This makes it so that users trying to join by typing a meeting ID in will also have to know the password. Users joining from Canvas or by clicking a join link will not have to know the meeting password. This settings is automatically turned on for all users on the UAB eLearning account. This makes it so that users joining your meeting do not immediately join the room but see a screen letting them know the host will let them in soon.

The host of the meeting is notified when someone is in the meeting room and can admit them in or message them privately.

This feature is turned on for all meetings by default, but can be unchecked if desired. This option is great to turn on for your personal meeting room. Once a meeting starts, the host can lock the meeting found in the participants tab. This prevents anyone from joining even if they have the join link and password. If an unwanted person were to join your meeting or a student were to misbehave in a Zoom session, the host can remove participants from a meeting.

Note that this user will be unable to join the same meeting. By default, all users can share their screen in a Zoom meeting. You can restrict the ability to share a screen to just the host once in the meeting or in your account settings for all future meetings if desired.

How do I record my Zoom meeting? You can start recording once a meeting has started or set a meeting to automatically record when scheduling the meeting. Finally, users can set all meetings to be recorded for their account.

Users have the ability to record to the cloud or locally to their machine. Meetings recorded to the cloud are deleted after 30 days from Zoom servers.

Zoom meetings are automatically sent to Kaltura My Media and are not deleted from Kaltura. Learn how to share Kaltura videos in or out of Canvas here. Users can share videos through Kaltura in Canvas. Users can also share videos with users outside of Canvas using mediaspace. Instructors can publish chosen recordings by clicking the publish toggle in the Zoom Cloud Recordings tab in Canvas.

The meeting will NOT be available after 30 days. Users can get the recording link from the Recordings tab at uab. The recording will not be available after 30 days. Do I need an account? Students do not need a Zoom account in order to join Zoom meetings by default. Just click the Join button beside the meeting title in Canvas, or the join link provided by your instructor. More information can be found in our Student Zoom Guide. Students are provisioned a basic account that allows them to schedule and host meetings with up to participants and is limited to 40 minutes in length.

Students can schedule an unlimited amount of meetings. If students still need to meet longer than 40 minutes, fill out the UA system account request form. Alternatively, students can take advantage of other video conferencing tools such as Microsoft Teams that does not have a time limit on meetings. Students can record meetings they host locally to their computer. Meaning a MP4 file will be available on their device once the meeting is completed. Please follow the steps below if you need technical support after reviewing the information, guides, and FAQ’s above.

If Zoom’s technical support could not fix your issue and the answer to your issue cannot be found in the information, guides, and FAQ’s on this page, please contact UAB’s local support option for your type Zoom of account. Instructors and students who still need help after reviewing the resources on this page or contacting Zoom technical support can request support from UAB eLearning using the link below.

Was this information helpful? Yes No Invalid Input We’re glad this information helped. Thanks for letting us know. We take your feedback very seriously. Search Go. Canvas Login.

Technical Support. Home Academic Technologies Zoom. Allows for high-quality recordings of meetings and downloading of those recordings as MP4 files A full-featured app for iOS and Android. How to Access Zoom. Students Basic Accounts: Up to participants Limited to 40 minute meetings When three or more participants join Unlimited amount of meetings Record to local machine Students that need to meet longer than 40 minutes, they can fill out the UA system account request form.

Zoom Downloads. Download Zoom. Search Zoom Knowledgebase. Zoom FAQ. Host: The user that scheduled the meeting. They have full permissions to manage the meeting. There can only be one host of a meeting. Co-hosts: Shares most of the controls that hosts have, allowing the co-host to manage the administrative side of the meeting, such as managing attendees. The host must assign a co-host during the meeting.

Co-hosts cannot start a meeting. If a host needs someone else to start the meeting, they can assign an alternative host. Alternative hosts: Shares the same controls as co-hosts, but can also start the meeting. Hosts can assign alternative hosts when they schedule a meeting. Think of webinars like a virtual lecture hall or auditorium. Webinars are ideal for large audiences or events that are open to the public. Typically, webinar attendees do not interact with one another.

Though Zoom provides options for you to get more social with your attendees, your average webinar has one or a few people speaking to an audience. UAB eLearning offers various levels of support that range from simply providing you the webinar license for you to use to hosting your event virtually and providing training, technical support, and instructional design services.

Fill out our Virtual Event Support form and one of our team members will reach out to discuss all of our service options. Go to uab. Type in your BlazerID and Password if prompted. If asked, click “Switch to the New Account” option. Click the “Confirm your email address” button when prompted. An email will be sent to your UAB email address from no-reply zoom. It may take a few minutes.

Click the “Switch to the new account button” found in the email. Click the “I Acknowledge and Switch” button, when prompted.

Reattempt to access the Zoom tab in Canvas. Type in BlazerID and Password if prompted. Once that process is complete, attempt to access Zoom inside Canvas again. If you would like to turn off this automatic email notification, follow these directions.

Log in to uab. Click Settings , then click Email Notification. You can schedule a Zoom meeting through various methods: Zoom tab in Canvas: If you are scheduling a meeting for your students to attend.

The best method is to schedule the meeting within Canvas using the Zoom tab in your course. The meeting will be available to your students automatically and does not require you to send any invitations out. Use our Instructor Guide to Canvas to learn more. Zoom website uab. When your meeting is saved, you will be presented several methods of inviting users to that meeting including calendar invitations, a join link, or a full invitation. Zoom App: Meetings can be scheduled in the Zoom application on your computer or mobile phone.

Use our Zoom app guide to learn more. Extensions: Meetings can be scheduled using one of the various extensions available for Outlook, Chrome, or FireFox. Download extensions. Access one of the above methods and click Schedule a Meeting. Check Recurring Meeting. Edit the recurrence. This includes the number of times the meeting occurs and how often it occurs.

Note: Recurring meetings can have a maximum of 50 occurrences. If you need more than 50 occurrences, you can use the No Fixed Time option. If registration is required and the meeting is recurring, specify one of the following options: Attendees register once and can attend any of the occurrences: Registrants can attend all of the occurrences. All dates and times of the meeting will be listed and the registrant will be registered for all occurrences.

Attendees need to register for each occurrence to attend: Registrants need to register separately for each occurrence to attend. They can only choose one date and time on the registrant page.

Attendees register once and can choose one or more occurrences to attend: Registrants register once and can choose one or more occurrences to attend. They will need to select which dates and times they would like to attend and they will only be registered for those occurrences.

They can choose multiple options. Click Save. Finish selecting the meeting options and click Schedule. Option 2 – Schedule outside of Canvas and paste the Join information in the Canvas course You can schedule one meeting outside of Canvas at uab.

To see where your Zoom recordings are stored, see the “Change location for Recording” section of Local recording. When you find the. Pressing Delete in the Zoom client removes the recording from the recorded meetings list in Zoom, but not from the device itself.

If you aren’t low on disk space and your meeting still won’t convert, contact your campus Support Center. Search Articles.

Troubleshooting Zoom Issues Tags webinar web-conferencing zoom-help. On this page: I can’t join my meeting I’ve joined my meeting, but no one else is here I can’t hear or talk to people People can’t see me My video is poor quality I can’t access my recordings, I accidentally deleted a recording, or I can’t record My recording won’t convert My problem isn’t listed here I can’t join my meeting If you’re unable to join a meeting, check these items: If you’re on a desktop or mobile device, be sure you’ve installed the Zoom client and that it’s up to date; see What version of Zoom am I running?

If you’ve received any of these messages: Note: Certain types of videoconferencing equipment will not allow you to type alphabetical characters into the Zoom password field. You are on hold: The host has enabled a waiting room; you’ll remain on hold until the host admits you into the meeting room. Room connector is not enabled for this meeting: If you are using videoconferencing equipment to join a meeting hosted by a free Zoom account or an account that doesn’t have the room connector enabled, you will receive this error.

Connect to the meeting using a desktop or mobile device instead. Please wait for the host to start this meeting: The setting ” enable join before host ” is not set, and the host has not yet joined the meeting.

Hosts automatically receive email asking them to join. You will be prompted to join the meeting a short time after the host joins. Please enter the meeting password: The meeting requires a password; enter the password provided by the meeting host. If you do not know the password, contact the meeting host for assistance. This meeting does not allow phone dial-in: The host may only have allowed VoIP audio.

In this case, if you dial into the general Zoom teleconferencing number and enter the meeting ID, you will hear the message above and the call will disconnect.

You will need to join the meeting with a computer or a smartphone app. Not meeting host. Back to top I’ve joined my meeting, but no one else is here If you’ve joined a meeting but don’t see other participants: Confirm with the meeting host that the meeting has begun.

If it has, ask for the meeting ID at the top of the host’s Zoom window e. If they don’t match, you’ve joined a different meeting. Ask the host for the meeting ID, and join that meeting. If you’re the host, ensure that you haven’t enabled a waiting room. If you have, you need to manually admit each participant before they can join your meeting.

Back to top I can’t hear or talk to people If you’re unable to hear or talk to people in a meeting: Check the attendee controls at the bottom of your meeting window.


Zoom Meetings | Clemson University, South Carolina.

Please review the differences between Zoom Meetings and Zoom Webinars to confirm which you need.


Can i sign into my zoom account on another device – none:. Troubleshooting Zoom Issues


But I can’t get it to stop logging me out at least 4 to 5 times a day. To the point that I can considering using another service. Zoom Community. Supporting a Hybrid-friendly Work Environment Explore products and tools for seamless collaboration across office and home working spaces.

Download Zoom Client Keep your Zoom client up to date to access the latest features. Download Center. Zoom Virtual Backgrounds Download hi-res images and animations to elevate your next Zoom meeting. Browse Backgrounds. Register Now. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Search instead for. Did you mean:. Your existing account should be terminated.

Go to the upper-right corner and enter the code Registration. Make sure you meet the minimum age requirements by typing in your birthdate. Previous post. Next post. Lau Microsoft Agent. In reply to AnnBilobrowka’s post on December 26, Hello Ann, For better assistance, we would like to know more information about your concern. Do you get any error code or messages upon accessing Hotmail account on another computer? Did you change any setting on your email account?

We are looking forward to your response. In reply to Ma. Lau’s post on December 26, Hope you can help. In reply to AnnBilobrowka’s post on December 27, Do you have an Hotmail.

Are you accessing the Hotmail. Make sure that you are not logged into other email accounts. Ann Hello There If you are logging into Hotmail via web, you know there are some changes in login page. If problem persists reset Hotmail password and try again with full email address. Lau’s post on January 1, Have no other email accounts. In reply to Olivia. Is your father able to successfully login to Zoom from any other device? What error message is he seeing when trying un successfully login to Zoom on the tablet?

Are you or is your father trying to login to a Meeting in Zoom, or just trying to login to the app with a username and password? If you can help answer these questions and post the answers here, it’ll make it easier for us to find a solution for you. Zoom Community. Supporting a Hybrid-friendly Work Environment Explore products and tools for seamless collaboration across office and home working spaces. Download Zoom Client Keep your Zoom client up to date to access the latest features.

Download Center. Zoom Virtual Backgrounds Download hi-res images and animations to elevate your next Zoom meeting. Browse Backgrounds. Register Now. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.


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