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Not sure whether you want to upgrade to Windows 10? Well, if you do upgrade from Windows 7 or 8. But there’s another way to try out Windows 10, and you don’t have to wipe out your current version of Windows to do so. Microsoft offers a free Windows 10 Enterprise evaluation edition that you can run for 90 days.
No strings attached. The Enterprise version is basically identical to the Pro version with the same features. If you like Windows 10 after checking out the Enterprise edition, you can then upgrade your existing version of Windows 7 or 8. If not, you can stay put. Here’s how to grab the Enterprise version.
First you’ll need a place to install the Enterprise edition. If you have a spare PC lying around, you can install the Enterprise edition cleanly on that machine. If you have a PC with enough disk space, you can create a dual-boot setup that allows you to run more than one operating system on the same PC by storing them in separate partitions. As a third option, you can set up a free virtual machine program that lets you install and run Windows 10 in its own environment within Windows 7 or 8.
Follow the steps to sign in with your Microsoft account or create one if you don’t yet have one. Next you’re prompted to download the installation file, which is formatted as an ISO file that you can burn onto a DVD.
Make sure the option to Save File is selected and then click OK. At the Windows setup screen, accept the license terms and click Next. At the screen to determine which type of installation you want, click on the option for Custom: Install Windows only advanced. At the screen to determine where you want to install Windows, make sure the correct partition is highlighted. On a clean PC, there should only be one partition with unallocated space.
On a dual-boot PC, you’ll want to select the second partition with unallocated space, which should have been created when you set up the dual-boot system.
Click Next. Windows 10 installs. Follow the standard screens to set up and customize Windows At some point, you’ll see a screen that asks how you want to connect—Join Azure Active Directory or Join a local Active Directory domain.
Neither one should apply since you’ll likely be checking out the Windows 10 Enterprise edition on your own. But in this case, choose the option to Join a local Active Directory domain. And since you probably don’t have an Active Directory domain, Windows will prompt you to create a local account. Go ahead and do that. You can always switch to a Microsoft account after Windows is fully set up. That’s just a matter of launching the Settings screen, going to the Accounts category, and clicking the link to Sign in with a Microsoft account instead.
You now have 90 days to try out the Enterprise edition, which at this point will extend you beyond the July 29 deadline for upgrading to Windows 10 for free from Windows 7 or 8. Only now you can play with Windows 10 for awhile and still work with your current version of Windows. By Lance Whitney July 5, , p. More Inside PCMag. By day, he’s a journalist, software trainer, and sometime Web developer. By night, he’s asleep. These days, he writes news stories, columns, and reviews for CNET and other technology sites and publications.
Windows 10 Enterprise | Microsoft Evaluation Center – Check out the latest news and events
How can I download Fusion for free? See what’s new in Windows You can go back to your previous operating system, or if you wish, you could buy Windows 10 and continue using it. If you would like to verify the data integrity and authenticity of your download, you can follow these steps:. The exact time will depend on your provider, bandwidth, and traffic ISP fees may apply. The Windows 10 free trial lasts for 90 days, and it does not renew after that period has passed.
Windows 10 pro evaluation period free download. Windows 10 Enterprise
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