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Windows Server | Eval Center
Some people would feel frustrating about that after installing Windows server successfully, the user interface has changed. There is no a graphic user interface, so all the operation would be executed by typing some professional commands.
That is not easy for some users who are not familiar with Windows server, especially for the people who is the freshman for Windows server.
Then people may ask whether there is a way to enable the GUI in Windows server When we begin installing the new Windows server , there are many options for us. You can see many option are list on the above picture. The options without Desktop Experience are the core editions. They would not offer GUI after installation.
If you clear about which is your favor, you would find the problem and has no need to read the under passage. But if you just wrong installed the core edition of Windows server and you regretted it when finding that all the operations have to be implemented by typing commands. Then you should follow the under steps. You would find that all the install state of the GUI features listed are shown as removed.
And now you should try to install the removed GUI features. Before that, you should make sure that your server has access to internet. Typically, when the above operation is completed and you should just type Restart-Computer into the PowerShell console to restart your server.
Then you would see windows server with the full graphic user interface GUI. Note: If your server has no access to the internet, you would probably see a large number of error message with red color. Then you have to use your installation media to successfully install server GUI features. Before you can do that, you need to identify appropriate index of Windows server edition from which you want to install features. The GUI features are only default built in the editions labelled with desktop experience, so you should skip indexes for core editions in the list.
Step 1: If you have store the windows server installation media in this system before, just navigate to the path of it. Attention : The GUI features information are stored in install. From the first picture in this passage, we know that the imageindex of core edition without GUI is 1 and 3. Then you should just choose the right imageindex between 2 and 4. Here i would choose the imageindex as 2. And press Enter to execute it. Note: To install feature from non-default location, you should follow the appropriate syntax like below.
So if you want to install the GUI features from a installation media, you should follow the syntax. Step 3: After the above operation is finished, you should be prompted with the information that you must restart this server to finish the installation process. Just type Restart-Computer into the PowerShell console and execute it.
Then you would find that the full GUI features has been enabled in your Windows server A dummy who is crazy about computer. Hope to help his friends solve computer issues. View all posts by usefulware. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account.
You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content Some people would feel frustrating about that after installing Windows server successfully, the user interface has changed. Here I would show the detailed steps from scratch. So here i would show you installing the GUI features from a installation media.
Here we go. Author: usefulware A dummy who is crazy about computer. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required.
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